Building Surveys
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Building owners, Facilities Managers please ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you cool or heat your premises?
- Do you feel that it costs a lot of money?
- Do you like to throw money away on wasted energy costs?
- Would you like to save money on energy costs?
A Thermographic Survey of your building and it’s associated heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems will identify areas where energy is being wasted, saving you money.
Examples of Air Intrusion
Building and construction can leave behind their fair share of unseen problems. These problems have for years remained hidden until the ever increasing use of Thermography as a fault finding tool.
We Have Surveyed Many Different Building Types:
- Domestic Dwellings
- Commercial
- Industrial
Add to this the ever increasing demand for Thermography as a fault analysis tool in civil engineering:
- Monitoring the laying of asphalt paving
- Checking for de-lamination of renders and paint finishes
Faults/Conditions We Can Survey For:
Cold Air, Insulation Problems and Thermal Bridging
Flat Roof Leaks and Water Ingress Paths
Flat roof leak detection was notoriously difficult to carry out successfully and accurately until now. Water will travel great distances from its ingress location to where it eventually starts dripping from a ceiling and this process can take a long time, so often the problem has been in existence for quite some time before the obvious leak starts.
We use thermal imaging cameras to identify/locate areas of damp insulation under the roof membrane; a thermal image will be taken of the problem area(s) and the results of the survey are presented in a report along with a plan drawing of the roof indicating the areas for repair.
This process will result in the replacement of only damaged areas of the roof membrane, where in the past complete roofs were often replaced unnecessarily and at great cost to the owner.
Underfloor Heating Systems
Do you know the location of your underfloor heating coils?
We can locate them easily with our thermal imaging cameras, once located you can plan alterations without any worry of hitting those pipes.
Are you a plumber/heating engineer with a possible leak on an underfloor heating circuit?
If so, we can help by identifying any leaks quickly and easily thus minimising the repair costs normally associated with leaking underfloor heating systems.
Other Faults/Conditions We Can Survey For:
- Envelope faults
- Insulation Faults
- Air Leaks
- Humid Walls – Condensation
- Water ingress on terraces
- Leaky valves on radiators
- Location of water leaks
- Location of timber studs
- Water infiltration
- Damaged double glazing
- Any other fault only limited by your imagination
Contact IRT Consult Environmental & Energy Ltd now to arrange a thermographic survey.